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Let's Laugh with These 10 Jokes About Introverts

Funny enough to make an introvert chuckle quietly to themselves!

Laughing Portrait (Media from Wix)
Laughing Portrait (Media from Wix)

Let's laugh at some introvert-related jokes in honor of National Let's Laugh Day (March 19th, 2024) and National Introverts Week (March 18th to 24th, 2024).

These jokes are funny enough to make an introvert chuckle quietly to themselves! (These at least made me, a socially awkward introvert, smile.)

In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:

10 Introvert Jokes

1. What kind of cheese is the most introverted?


2. Why do introverts identify so much with Thor's brother?

Because he is low-key.

3. Two introverts walk into a room.

One leaves.

4. How can you tell if someone is an introvert?

They are always in their shell.

5. What is a group of introverts called?

An oxymoron.

6. How can you tell when an introvert likes you?

They are looking at your shoes instead of their own.

7. What is an introvert's favorite tea?

Social anxie-tea.

8. How much does the average introvert weigh?

Not enough to break the ice.

9. What kind of films do introverts like?


10. How many introverts does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Why does it have to be a group activity?

What's Next?

Share these jokes with other introverts who would get a good chuckle out of it!

Comment below to share some of your favorite introvert-themed jokes!

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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